

Michelin, 1843, p. 104

Type Species

Cyathophora richardi Michelin, 1843, p. 104, pl. 26, fig. 1; Monotypy

Type Specimen: Lectotype; MNHN A32288; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Upper Jurassic from Agey, Is sur Thil, Saint Mihiel ( France)

In 1998, Löser remarked that four so called “syntypes” exist and among them two probably belong to Stylina and two others are badly preserved. Previously in 1994, he precised the sample numbers: M00071 for two specimens from Tonnerre M00067 for one sample from Clamecy and M00069 for another one from Isère. It appears that none of these samples come from the type-locality and they are not syntypes. On this basis Löser considered Cyathophora as an uncertain genus. Pandey et al (2002) suggested that a neotype should be designated. But recently, a true syntype was found (numbered A32288) and corresponds to the specimen figured in Michelin. This specimen was recently designated as the lectotype (Zaman and Lathuilière 2014). The type-species C. richardi is a junior synonym of C. bourgueti




Massive to ramose plocoid, occasionally cerioid corallum with corallites often separated by a narrow costate peritheca. Corallite circular to subpolygonal in outline. Costae non confluent to subconfluent. Extracalicular increase. Radial elements are short compact free and unequal costosepta. Distal edge, inner edge and lateral faces smooth. No palis. Radial symmetry without bilateral symmetry. Endotheca and exotheca made of tabulae and dissepiments, columella absent but S1 whose the distal edge rapidly slope down near the wall often creep to the center. These creeping S1 are not vertically continuous from a tabula to the next one. No synapticules, tabulothecal wall.


Pseudocoenia has longer septa a little more ornamented and vertically continuous radial elements. Bilaterocoenia has a special septal insertion. Bathycoenia is constantly cerioid. Procyathophora has a spinose peritheca


Cryptocoenia_ is a junior synonym. 42 nominal species are known for Jurassic. 28 other were named for Cretaceous. See Morycowa 1971, Pandey et al (2002).

This page has been in preparation since 07-May-2009 10:52

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 24-Jun-2014 08:10.

Page authors are: Ewa Roniewicz Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

Lectotype of Cyathophora richardi type species of the genus
Lectotype of Cyathophora richardi type species of the genus
Lectotype of Cyathophora richardi type species of the genus
Lectotype of Cyathophora richardi type species of the genus