

Alloiteau, 1952

Type Species

Trochosmilia inconstans de Fromentel, 1862: 266; Original Designation Alloiteau, 1952: 636

Type Specimen: Syntype; ; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Lower Santonian of France (Les Corbieres, Aude).

The syntypes of the type species are housed at MNHN (Paris) under Mo3670.



Solitary, trochoid, compressed, elliptical or subcircular in outline. Calicinal pit elongated. Costosepta compact, radial, in subequal systems. Granulated laterally. Columella lamellar, thin. Endothecal dissepiments vesicular, numerous. Wall septothecal. Multilamellar epitheca present.


The genus Phragmosmilia Alloiteau shows close affinities to the genus Aulosmilia Alloiteau, but is distinguished from the latter by different wall, endothecal and epithecal structures.


  • Southern Europe; Early Cretaceous - Late Cretaceous
  • Central Europe; Late Cretaceous
  • Eastern Europe; Late Cretaceous

This page has been in preparation since 02-Jun-2007 12:36

This version was contributed by Rosemarie Baron-Szabo on 02-Sep-2010 18:23.

Page authors are: Rosemarie Baron-Szabo. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Rosemarie Baron-Szabo

Phragmosmilia inconstans (de Fromentel, 1862), syntype