

Beauvais, 1986, p. 38

Type Species

Omphalophylliopsis lobatus Beauvais, 1986, p. 38 pl. 15 fig. 5 text-fig. 26; Original Designation

Type Specimen: Holotype; MNHN R11647; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Pliensbachian of the Jebel Bou Dahar (Morocco)

The holotype is a strongly diagenetized specimen.


Solitary corallum. External surface with regular growth bands. Calice lobate in outline and superficial. Radial elements are weakly exsert costosepta, unequal in thickness, curved, anastomosed, possibly perforate ?, pennular in structure with discontinuous menianae. Trabecules subvertical near the wall less steeply inclined toward the axis. Moniliform distal edge. Synapticules present. Central deep fossa. Wall of unknown nature.


Like Omphalophyllia but no fan-system.


One nominal species.


  • North Africa; Early Jurassic

This page has been in preparation since 19-Aug-2009 16:17

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 23-Oct-2009 10:04.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

Holotype of Omphalophylliopsis lobatus type species of the genus
Holotype of Omphalophylliopsis lobatus type species of the genus
Holotype of Omphalophylliopsis lobatus type species of the genus
Holotype of Omphalophylliopsis lobatus type species of the genus

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