

Blainville, 1830

Type Species

Meandrina reticulata Goldfuss, 1826: 63; Subsequent Designation Wells, 1936: 112

Type Specimen: Syntype; ; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Maastrichtian of The Netherlands.

The syntypes of the type species are housed at IPB (Bonn) under no. 212 of the Goldfuss collection.


Colonial, massive, meandroid. Budding intracalicular, polystomodaeal budding. Collines tectiform to tholiform. Costosepta compact, granulated laterally. Columella thin, lamellar, continuous or discontinuous. Ambulacra irregularly present, nearly absent in places. Wall septothecal to parathecal.


  • Central Europe; Early Cretaceous - Late Cretaceous
  • East Asia; Early Cretaceous

This page has been in preparation since 02-Jun-2007 12:35

This version was contributed by Rosemarie Baron-Szabo on 08-Jan-2015 19:04.

Page authors are: Rosemarie Baron-Szabo. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Rosemarie Baron-Szabo


What about Leptoria? from Ken Johnson on 11-Jun-2008 10:37

Wells had this as a subgenus of Leptoria, why did you decide to consider it as a genus. Could you please add some discussion of this to the remarks?

Dictuophyllia reticulata (Goldfuss, 1826), syntype
Dictuophyllia conferticostata (Vaughan, 1899), topotype