

Milne Edwards and Haime, 1849, p. 294

Coeloria Milne Edwards and Haime, 1849, p. 294 is a nomen vanum (unavailable and invalid), see Caeloria Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848, p. 493.

In 1848 (p. 493), Milne Edwards and Haime describe the genus Caeloria. In 1849 (p. 294), Milne Edwards and Haime describe the genus Coeloria (an intentional change in spelling, see Wells).

This page has been in preparation since 10-Oct-2009 22:50

This version was contributed by Danwei Huang on 15-Sep-2013 19:57.

Page authors are: Ann Budd Danwei Huang. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Ann Budd

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