

Krasnov, 1970


Radial elements are compact septa sensu stricto. They are either free, anastomosed or contratingent. Lonsdaleoid septa. Distal edge undescribed. Lateral faces with granules almost smoothed by stereoplasm. According to genera, the inner edge is fused with other septa or not. Radial symmetry dominant. A bilateral symmetry is often visible due to elongation and/or eccentricity of the axial structure, to curvature of septa rather than the occurrence of an axial septum which is disputed among authors. Wall made of several vertical laminae built with very small trabeculae perpendicular to wall surfaces as in Zardinophyllidae. Endotheca predominantly made of tabuloid dissepiments in the central part and of vesicular dissepiments at the periphery.


This page has been in preparation since 02-Oct-2009 17:15

This version was contributed by Ken Johnson on 02-Oct-2009 17:15.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

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