

Morycowa and Roniewicz, 1990


Radial elements are compact septa sensu stricto. They are either free, anastomosed or contratingent. Distal edge smooth, inner edge ornamented with denticles close of auriculae by their periodic arrangement and relation to the columella but generally much less clearly forked than in typical stylinids. Lateral faces almost smooth with rare sharp granules. Trabeculae branching, arranged in series. Diameter of main trabeculae from 50 to 90 _m. Thin secondary trabeculae expressed on septal surfaces in the form of sharp granulae. Hexameral symmetry decipherable but disturbed by the septal increase. The bilaterality is marked by this septal mode of intracalicular increase and by the curvature of septa. Septotheca formed by well developed and abortive septa covered by an epitheca (default sense). Styliform columella.


This page has been in preparation since 02-Oct-2009 17:15

This version was contributed by Ken Johnson on 02-Oct-2009 17:15.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

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