


partition-like structure generally orientated at right angles to the orientation of septa. Walls may be sheet-like, porous, discontinuous or incompletely developed. They consist of various elements, separately or in combination, and so are unlikely to be homologous. The contributing elements to wall structures are often thickened by stereome. In the commonly occurring case where a wall encloses one or more corallite centres within a colony, the wall can be referred to as a theca (pl. thecae). However, some walls (e.g. inner walls) are not true thecae. Nevertheless, most terms used for the different kinds of wall structure conventionally end in '-theca' (e.g. septotheca). See also Inner wall, Marginotheca, Paratheca, Septotheca, Synapticulotheca, Theca, Trabeculotheca.


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This version was contributed by Ken Johnson on 22-Apr-2008 14:35.

Page authors include: Ken Johnson. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the definition of this term.
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