

Volz, 1896: 74

Myriophyllia Volz, 1896: 74 is a junior homonym (unavailable), see Myriophyllum Cuif, 1975:60 (the replacement taxon), and Myriophyllia Orbigny, 1849, p. 8 (the senior homonym).

Type Species

Montlivaltia badiotica Volz, 1896:75; Subsequent Designation

Type Specimen: Holotype; ; Not Traced; Unknown

This page has been in preparation since 04-May-2009 18:22

This version was contributed by Ken Johnson on 15-Jan-2013 16:17.

Page authors are: Francesca Benzoni. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Ewa Roniewicz

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