

Beauvais 1986, p. 19

Mesophyllum Beauvais 1986, p. 19 is a junior homonym (unavailable).

Junior homonym of Mesophyllum Schlüter 1889, a Rugosa, of Mesophyllum Barrois 1889 and Mesophyllum Hahn 1911. Mesophyllum is also the name of a red alga. A new name should be published for Mesophyllum Beauvais

Type Species

Mesophyllum pseudocolumellatum Beauvais 1986, p. 20, pl. 4 fig. 1; Original Designation

Type Specimen: Holotype; MNHN R11604; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Domerian (Lower Jurassic) from Beni Tadjit (Morocco)

There are additional very useful paratypes A 30500, R11606, R11605, R11607


Solitary ceratoid to subcylindrical corallum. Calice subcircular in outline. Epitheca with growth striae and wrinkles present. Radial elements compact free attenuated straight or curved, unequal. Distal edge with a very deep furrow in its middle part, the outer edge of the furrow is vertical and smooth. The inner edge of the furrow is steeply inclined and smooth. Septa meet each other at the top of the central relief. Lateral faces show a very thin granulation arranged in indistinct oblique rows climbing toward the calicular center, no palis. Microstructure unknown. Hexameral symmetry cannot be deciphered in the holotype, bilateral symmetry marked by curvature of septa. Endotheca present with a highly inflated tabula in the axial zone. The holotype shows an axial zone filled with a gastropod, no real columella, synapticules absent, wall probably peripheral by enlargement of septa (the bad preservation does not allow a strict diagnostic of the alternative septa/costo-septa).


The holotype and the paratypes are badly preserved. Beauvais 1986 reported a two zoned endotheca with vesicular dissepiments in the outer part and convex tabulae or horizontal dissepiments in relief in the axial zone. She described also a columellar septum and made many references to Cheilosmilia. We cannot confirm all her observations.


  • North Africa; Early Jurassic

This page has been in preparation since 19-Aug-2009 15:54

This version was contributed by Ken Johnson on 15-Jan-2013 16:29.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

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