

Etallon, 1864 in Thurmann and Etallon , p. 404

Isocora Etallon, 1864 in Thurmann and Etallon , p. 404 is a junior synonym (available and invalid), see Cladophyllia Milne Edwards, 1851, 2: 363.

Type Species

Isocora thurmanni Etallon in Thurmann et Etallon 1864, p. 405, pl. 57 fig. 7; Monotypy

Type Specimen: Syntype; MNHN A32179; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) from Pont d'Able (Switzerland)

The syntype MNHN A32179 is a part of a colony partly polished.



Phaceloid corallum with cylindrical corallites covered by a wrinkled epitheca. Corallite are subcylindrical free or placed side by side. Calice infundibuliform. Probable septal increase. Radial elements are compact septa s.s. Septa free or anastomosed straight to curved, subinerm (detailed ornamentation not observed). Hexameral symmetry probable. Endotheca not observed. Columella probably styliform, synapticules absent, peripheral wall of unknown nature.


One nominal species, one specimen.

This page has been in preparation since 19-Aug-2009 14:49

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 17-May-2012 15:08.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

Syntype of Isocora thurmanni type species of the genus
Syntype of Isocora thurmanni type species of the genus
Syntype of Isocora thurmanni type species of the genus
Syntype of Isocora thurmanni type species of the genus

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