

Vidal, 1917, p. 5

Anisoria Vidal, 1917, p. 5 is a junior synonym (available and invalid), see Cycloria Reuss, 1854, p. 110-111.

Type Species

Meandrina vidali Mallada, 1892: 160; Original Designation Vidal, 1917: 5, pl. 1, figs 1-4, pl. 2, fig. 6

Type Specimen: Syntype; ; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: The syntypes are housed at MGB (Barcelona) under 2121/1-4

Type locality: Maastrichtian of Spain (Reg. Catalunia, Prov. Lerida).



Löser (2010) documented some specimens of Anisoria which also included one of the syntypes of this genus. In his description, however, he confounded calicinal series with exothecal developments. The corrected description of the diagnosis is as follows:


Meandroid colony. Corallites are arranged in sinuous series, separated by tholiform collines and ambulacrae. Corallite centers generally indistinct, but distinct corallites present occasionally. Costosepta compact, non-confluent to sub-confluent, finely granulated laterally. Their axial ends are generally cuneiform or claviform; rhopaloid axial ends are rarely observed. Developments of a lamellar columella present deeper in the corallum. Synapticulae absent. Endothecal dissepiments thin and vesicular. Exothecal dissepiments well developed, vesicular to subtabulate. Wall parathecal to septothecal. Microstructure consists of small trabecular developments, forming dark median lines.


  • Southern Europe; Late Cretaceous

This page has been in preparation since 02-Jun-2007 12:35

This version was contributed by Rosemarie Baron-Szabo on 26-Dec-2014 16:30.

Page authors are: Rosemarie Baron-Szabo. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Rosemarie Baron-Szabo

Anisoria vidali (Mallada 92), topotype (=holotype of Anisoria batalleri Reig Oriol, 1987)