

Koby, 1887:340

Type Species

Dermoseris schardti Koby, 1887: 340, pl. 89: 5, 5a; Original Designation Koby, 1887: 340

Type Specimen: Holotype; ; Not Traced; Unknown

Type Locality: St Germain, Switzerland. Kimmeridgian



Phaceloid. Corallites covered with epitheca. Calices convex with a small axial pit. Septa numerous, regularly structurally perforated. Distal margin moniliform, inner margin with trabecular projections which make a small papillar columella; septal faces with pennulae coalescing into menianes. Endotheca of thin-walled dissepiments. Increase by intracalicular budding with lamellar linkages.


The original description of the type species, and illustrations by Koby 1887: pl. 89: 5, 5a; description and illustrations of thin sections of D. delgadoi Koby, in Roniewicz, 1976, pl. 32, fig. 1a,b present a typical structural features of the genus.


From other genera of the family Microsolenidae it differs in a phaceloid growth form


At least 16 species, including the type, were described from the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous.


  • Western Europe; Late Jurassic
  • Southern Europe; Early Cretaceous
  • Central Europe; Late Cretaceous
Known the Jurassic of Switzerland, Poland, Rumania and Portugal, and Cretacous of Bulgaria

This page has been in preparation since 18-Aug-2009 16:24

This version was contributed by Ewa Roniewicz on 20-Nov-2010 15:26.

Page authors are: Ewa Roniewicz. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

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