

Wells, 1941, p.18

Type Species

Cyclomussa concinna Wells 1941, p.18, pl.3, fig.1; Original Designation Wells, 1941, p.18

Type Specimen: Holotype; PRI 24408; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Chira formation, near Casa Saman, Chira Valley, northern Peru (lower Oligocene)


  • South America; Oligocene
  • Western Europe; Miocene
Source: Paleobiology database (accessed 5/24/12) Historical distribution: Oligocene of Peru (Wells, 1956). Distribution compiled by Matthew Tibbits.

This page has been in preparation since 18-Jul-2010 21:14

This version was contributed by Ann Budd on 29-May-2012 18:47.

Page authors are: Ann Budd. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Ann Budd

holotype of Cyclomussa concinna Wells, image produced courtesy of the Paleontological Research Institution
paratype of Cyclomussa concinna Wells, image produced courtesy of the Paleontological Research Institution
paratype of Cyclomussa concinna Wells, image produced courtesy of the Paleontological Research Institution
paratype of Cyclomussa concinna Wells, image produced courtesy of the Paleontological Research Institution

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