

Fromentel and Ferry, 1865, p.86

Type Species

Cyathophyllia liasica Fromentel and Ferry 1865, p. p. 86 pl. 18 fig. 1; Monotypy

Type Specimen: Syntype; n°?; Lost; Unknown

Type Locality: Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) from Fontaine Etoupe-Four (Calvados ; France)

Alloiteau (1959) in his text about Leptophyllia strangulata mentioned that the type-specimen of Cyathophyllia liasica was in Caen and disappeared under the bombs during the second world war.


Initially defined as a Montlivaltia with a papillose wide well developed columella


Solitary turbinate, flared corallum with a thick folded epitheca. Calice subcircular , wide and deep with a thin edge. Strong thick radial elements. Septal teeth strong big sailant and spaced (sometimes up to 1 mm). Papillose columella. (description inspired of Fromentel and Ferry 1865)


The type-specimen is lost and consequently the idea we have of Cyathophyllia is uncertain. The original diagnosis that defines Cyathophyllia as Montlivaltia with a columella seems contradictory with the description in two points: cutting edge of the corallite, morphology of septa. This diagnosis dates from an epoch in which many false Montlivaltia were described in the Liassic. The type-species was never used after its first citation. Subsequent authors used Cyathophyllia for 3 other nominal jurassic species among which two were used in a very confusing way. Beauvais (1982) attributed her C.canadiensis simultaneously to Cyathophyllia and Cyathophylliopsis, Alloiteau (1959) assigned Leptophyllia strangulata to Cyathophyllia with the mention that it is probably a new genus. The last Jurassic species is C. oolithica Tomes (1878a) in which radial elements are said to be porous. A Cretaceous nominal species is known. In conclusion, the genus cannot be used in the present situation.

This page has been in preparation since 07-May-2009 10:53

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 06-Apr-2013 08:47.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

Cyathophyllia liasica, original figure