

Barta-calmus, 1973

Type Species

Chevalierismilia lucerami ; Unknown Barta-Calmus, 1973, p.453

Type Specimen: Holotype; ; Not Traced; Unknown

Type Locality: Madone de Bon Coeur, Lucèram (Alpes Maritimes, France)


Polypid simple trochoid a chalice elliptical convex. Elements radial costoseptes many compact, generalment rights. Straight dimensions, regular, being equal, a spineless outer edge, separate full height of the coral. Papillose columella well developed. Exotheque thin concentric annular folds. Endotheque present: dissepiments vesicular at the base of the coral and the proximal area. Presence of parathecale wall.

This page has been in preparation since 02-Jun-2007 12:35

This version was contributed by Francesca Bosellini on 23-Apr-2013 08:55.

Page authors are: Francesca Bosellini. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Ann Budd

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