

Melnikova, 1975


Solitary and phaceloid; increase by lateral budding; septa non-exsert, compact, thick, wedge-like, ordered radially, smooth; midseptal zone straight, thick layers of lateral septal stereome continuing into the wall and endotheca; endotheca built of rare, tabuloid, concave elements; wall septo – epithecal, thickened by stereomal lining prolonging from the septa.


This page has been in preparation since 11-Oct-2010 14:54

This version was contributed by Ewa Roniewicz on 11-Oct-2010 14:55.

Page authors are: Ewa Roniewicz. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Ewa Roniewicz

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