

Eliášová, 1973, p.71

Type Species

Thecomeandra remesi Eliášová, 1973, p. 71, pl. 1-4, text-fig.1; Original Designation

Type Specimen: Holotype; ÚÚG HF 120; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Tithonian (Upper Jurassic)-Berriasian (Lower Cretaceous) from Štramberk (Czech Republic)

Two paratypes HF41 and HF 118 exist. Another complementary description of the genus is available in Eliasova (1976), especially useful for microstructure and endotheca.



Massive colonial meandroid corallum. Continuous, tectiform collines without ambulacrum. Rare isolated corallites. Valleys with 1-2 septa–of-valleys. Intracalicular increase. Radial elements are compact non-confluent costosepta, free but some anastomose at the calicular axis, mostly attenuated, straight to strongly bent, unequal in length and thickness. Distal edge with montlivaltid teeth. Axial pit small, circular, inner edges of septa join together in depth. No palis. Microstructure montlivaltiid. A hexameral symmetry cannot be deciphered, hidden by the bilateral symmetry marked by the curvature of septa according to the axes of valleys, but at the calicular center, septa are radially arranged (never in bilateral symmetry). Endotheca made of abundant subhorizontal or oblique tabuloid dissepiments. No synapticula. Wall septothecal, zigzag.


Thecomeandra differs from Phyllogyra by the strict non confluence of septa and the absence of sulcus on collines. It differs from Vallimeandropsis by the large subtabuloid dissepiments.


Three nominal species described in the Jurassic


  • Central Europe, North America; Middle Jurassic - Late Jurassic

This page has been in preparation since 20-Aug-2009 09:23

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 27-May-2017 10:01.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière Helena Eliášová. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

Thecomeandra remesi
Thecomeandra remesi
Thecomeandra remesi