

Kuehn, 1948, p.61

Stylacropora Kuehn, 1948, p.61 is a junior synonym (available and invalid), see Stylophora Schweigger, 1819.

Type Species

Stylacropora eocaenica Kuehn 1946, p.62, pl.1, fig.4-5; Original Designation Kuehn, 1948: 61

Type Specimen: Holotype; NHMW 1896/IX/6; Not Traced; Unknown

Type Locality: Monte Promina, Croatia (Eocene)

The type specimen could not be found at the NHMW in 2012.

This page has been in preparation since 21-Jul-2010 15:02

This version was contributed by Ann Budd on 02-Jul-2012 17:32.

Page authors are: Jim Klaus. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Ann Budd

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