

Orbigny, 1850, p. 33

Type Species

Pseudocoenia bernardina D’Orbigny, 1850, p. 34; Subsequent Designation Wells 1936

Type Specimen: Lectotype; MNHN 4472b A09443; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Upper Jurassic of Landeyron (Ain, France) or Oxfordian of Chatel Censoir (Yonne, France)

The type species was designated by Wells 1936 who chose the specimen 4472 as a lectotype. Subsequent authors used erroneously P. suboctonis as a type-species. Löser (2007 ICZN (case 3386)) proposed the conservation of usage by the designation of a new lectotype. Coll. d’Orbigny № 4472b MNHN). We follow here this position. See Adelocoenia.




Massive, ramose, irregular or encrusting plocoid corallum, with conical or cylindrical circular to subcircular corallites. Extracalicular increase. Peritheca well developed covered with confluent, subconfluent or non confluent costae. Exocostae potentially present. Radial elements are compact straight costosepta with costal parts vertically continuous only near to the wall. Lateral faces with pointed granulations observable in distal parts, while smooth proximally. Radial elements arranged in size orders variable in number, in radial symmetry (often octameral but also variable). In transverse section, the inner edges of S1 are simply attenuated or show teeth or are slightly auriculated or show a small swelling. Endotheca is constituted of plan to convex tabulae. Peritheca is vesicular, tabular or columnotabular. Columella absent. Wall is parathecal or paraseptothecal. Microstructure not observed probably trabecular.


Originally defined as a Cryptocoenia but with octameral symmetry, this definition cannot be conserved as the type material of Cryptocoenia is a junior synonym of _Cyathophora.25 Jurassic nominal species and 1 Cretaceous species (in Löser 2000)

This page has been in preparation since 21-Aug-2009 14:01

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 03-Apr-2014 10:54.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière Ewa Roniewicz Shaahin Zaman. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

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