

Milaschewitsch, 1876, p. 212

A junior synonym of Epistreptophyllum

Type Species

Phegmatoseris flabelliformis Milaschewitsch, 1876, p. 212, pl. 50 fig. 5; Monotypy

Type Specimen: Syntype; SMNS 19220; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Upper Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) from Nattheim (Germany)


Solitary corallum with a tendancy to the flabelloid shape.Infundibuliform calice. No epitheca, costae subequal and granulated with locally curved and with angular arrangement. Radial elements are subcompact free or anastomosed costosepta, unequal, with a thickness rather constant notwithstanding the ornamentation, from outer edge to the inner edge, straight to slightly curved. Distal edge with subregular teeth, inner edge with detached trabeculae, lateral faces strongly ornamented with flattened granules (vertically or less commonly horizontally compressed, asymmetrically arranged with regards to the septal plan). No palis. Microstructure unknown. Hexameral symmetry not deciphered, bilateral symmetry strongly marked with the elongations of the corallite and of the axial zone. Endotheca made of dissepiments sloping down to the center , columella papillose, probably some synapticules present, wall of unknown nature.


One nominal Jurassic species

This page has been in preparation since 19-Aug-2009 16:51

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 30-Mar-2010 07:00.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

Syntype of Phegmatoseris flabelliformis type species of the genus
Syntype of Phegmatoseris flabelliformis type species of the genus
Syntype of Phegmatoseris flabelliformis type species of the genus
Syntype of Phegmatoseris flabelliformis type species of the genus

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