

Wanner, 1902, p. 104

Type Species

Palaeopsammia multiformis Wanner, 1902, p. 105, p. 15, figs. 5-9; Subsequent Designation Wells, 1936b, p. 122

Type Specimen: Lectotype; PZ-Cn 47549; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Danian of Egypt (Babel Jasmund).

The lectotype of the type species is housed at NRM (Stockholm) under PZ-Cn 47549, Wanner collection.




Solitary, conical to patellate. Costosepta not arranged in Pourtalès plan but higher cycle septa (S4) frequently anastomose with those of lower cycle (S3). Pali present, variable in number and shape. Costae poorly developed, but represented by linear arrangement of coarse granules. Columella generally well-developed, parietal-spongy-papillose. Endothecal dissepiments vesicular. Wall (parathecal-) synapticulothecal, (?pseudo-) septothecal when secondaryly thickened. Epithecal wall present or absent.


Differs from Areopsammia in having an epitheca and a costate theca beneath.


This genus and family were monographed by Cairns (2001), which included a phylogenetic analysis based on morphology. Five species, all fossil (Baron-Szabo, 2002). Wanner’s (1902) type collection of Maastrichtian-Paleocene scleractinian corals from Egypt, that included the specimens of Palaeopsammia, was originally housed in the Bayerische Staatssammlung Munich, Germany, and destroyed during WWII. However, in 2004 the author found 64 specimens of the type collection in the inventory of the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden. It is assumed that the specimens had been given to the Riksmuseet as part of an exchange program between museums and institutions early last century. The specimens represent the only known corals of the Wanner collection. Because the labels were signed by the former director of the Bayerische Staatssammlung Munich, Prof. von Zittel, they are undoubtedly extractions from the type collection, and therefore, they all represent original material, most of which are syntypes. Baron-Szabo (2008) gave the first re-description and photographic documentation of this material.


  • North Africa; Early Cretaceous - Paleocene
  • Australasia; Late Cretaceous - Eocene
  • Central Asia; Late Cretaceous
  • Central America; Late Cretaceous
Cenomanian and Maastrichtian of Madagascar. Paleocene of the USA

This page has been in preparation since 18-Jul-2008 22:23

This version was contributed by Rosemarie Baron-Szabo on 01-Sep-2010 19:33.

Page authors are: Stephen D. Cairns Rosemarie Baron-Szabo. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Stephen D. Cairns

Palaeopsammia fastigiata Kuhn, 1933 holotype