

Cuif, 1975:159

classified by Cuif 1975 in the family Pachythecalidae, junior synonym of the family Zardinophyllidae Montanaro-Gallitelli, 1975

Type Species

Pachythecalis major Cuif 1975:168, text-figs 1-4, pl. 13: 1-5; Monotypy Cuif, 1975:159

Type Specimen: Syntype; MNHN ; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Alakir Cay , Taurus Mts, Anatolia, Turkey. Stikinoceras kerri zone, Early Norian, Late Triassic



Solitary, ceratoid with large distal diameter, lacking septa in the distal part of the calice; septal apparatus in the lower half of the corallum; symmetry radial-bilateral; six primary septa thick, incepted in pairs, the succeeding septa numerous,differentiated into 3-4 size orders; endotheca in the form of rare, tabuloid elements;wall thick, named pachytheca, made of regular modules in the form of centered bundles of fibers growing centripetally.


Complete description of the microstructure of all skeletal elements, preserved in aragonite, are to be find in Cuif 1975. A series of excellent drawings and photos of thin sections clearly characterise morphology and microstructure of P. major.


From other solitary genus of the family, Zardinophyllum Montanaro-Gallitelli 1975, it differs not only with the corallum dimensions, but also with septal apparatus composed of numerous septa of diverse size orders.


This genus was monographed by Cuif 1975. Only one, Early Norian species from Turkey is known.

This page has been in preparation since 16-Oct-2010 16:14

This version was contributed by Ewa Roniewicz on 06-Nov-2010 14:41.

Page authors are: Ewa Roniewicz. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Ewa Roniewicz

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