

Wells, 1935, p. 532

originally described as a subgenus of Sphenotrochus, but elevated to genus level by Vaughan and Wells (1943)

Type Species

Sphenotrochus emarciatus Duncan, 1865, p.183, pl. 8, fig. 2; Original Designation

Type Specimen: Holotype; NHMUK R29276; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Middle Miocene (Balcombian): Hamilton, Victoria, S. Australia

Type species best described by Cairns and Parker (1992: 40).



Corallum asexually reproduces by transverse division, the anthocyathus cuneiform in shape, often with downward projecting costal spurs (“fishtails”); GCD up to 6.6 mm; theca imperforate; costae independent, smooth (porcellaneous) and flat, alternating in position with septa; septa hexamerally arranged in 3 cycles; 1 crown of 10 or 12 pali; columella linear-papillose.


Differs from Sphenotrochus in having a papillose columella, P1-2, and alternating costae.


This genus and family was monographed by Cairns (1997), which included a phylogenetic analysis based on morphology. Four species, two of them known as fossils (see Cairns, 2004).


  • Australasia; Oligocene
  • Australasia; Miocene
  • Western Pacific; Recent
Recent: 82-645 m Cairns, 1997: figs. 2i, 5g, 7l (alternating septa/costae)

This page has been in preparation since 08-Oct-2008 15:21

This version was contributed by Stephen D. Cairns on 18-Nov-2008 20:31.

Page authors are: Stephen D. Cairns. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Stephen D. Cairns

Lateral view of corallum
view of calicular edge showing intercalation of a septum between 2 costae
Calicular view of corallum
Lateral view of corallum