

Ogilvie, 1897, p. 107

Type Species

Aulastraea schaeferi Ogilvie p. 107; Subsequent Designation Wells, 1936, p. 102

Type Specimen: Lectotype; BSPG As III 45a-b; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Tithonian (Upper Jurassic)-Berriasian (Lower Cretaceous) initial syntypes coming from Stramberk, Willanowitz, lectotype from Stramberk

The lectotype chosen by Geyer 1955 p. 189 is a corallum sawed in two pieces. The lectotype is AS III 45b (fig 4 of Ogilvie and the counterpart of the section AS III 45a = fig. 4a of Ogilvie) Paralectotypes AS III 43 = fig. 3-3a of Ogilvie AS III 44 = fig.7, AS III 41= fig.5 and AS III 42= fig. 6 and AS III 134 not figured by Ogilvie.



Massive subcerioid to dendroid-phaceloid corallum with short branches and a conical lower surface covered with a folded epitheca (s. l.). Radial elements are compact smooth free septa s. s. One septum longer than others reaches the axial zone and defines the bilaterality. Marginarium with large vesicular dissepiments steeply inclined near the inner wall. Taschenknospung. Endotheca with cellular dissepiments. Wall presumably of the same nature as other amphiastreids. No synapticule, no pali, no columella.


Wells, 1956 considered Mitrodendron as a senior synonym but Mitrodendron is generally considered as more clearly phaceloid and has a marginarium that is not complete around the septal apparatus (Eliášová, 1975). Amphiaulastrea is cerioid.


5 Jurassic and 3 Cretaceous nominal species


  • Southern Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Subsaharan Africa, Central Asia; Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous

This page has been in preparation since 07-May-2009 07:28

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 21-Jun-2014 08:41.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

Lectotype of Aulastraea schaeferi type species of the genus
Lectotype of Aulastraea schaeferi type species of the genus
Lectotype of Aulastraea schaeferi type species of the genus
Paralectotype of Aulastraea schaeferi type species of the genus

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