

Yabe and Eguchi, 1942, p. 120

Type Species

P. compressus Yabe and Eguchi, 1942x, p. 121, 151-152, pl. 10, figs, 13-14; Original Designation

Type Specimen: Syntype; TIUS 60747; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Pleistocene: Ryukyu, Japan.

(=Placotrochides dentiformis Alcock, 1902). Type species well described by Cairns (1994). Four syntypes.



Corallum solitary, free (base always open or broken); convex corallum edge bears an alate to carinate keel; septal symmetry irregular; pali before penultimate cycle of septa; columella fascicular.


Similar to and previously considered as a subgenus of Caryophyllia, but differs in having a compressed corallum with the convex edge bearing an alate to carinate keel, and having an open base.


Two species, one known from the Pleistocene. Justification of elevation to genus level given by Cairns and Zibrowius (1997).

This page has been in preparation since 08-Oct-2008 15:21

This version was contributed by Stephen D. Cairns on 17-Oct-2008 17:22.

Page authors are: Stephen D. Cairns. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Stephen D. Cairns

Premocyathus dentiformis (Pourtalès, 1868), calicular view.
Premocyathus dentiformis (Pourtalès, 1868), side of calice.
Premocyathus dentiformis, specimen showing regeneration from basal region
Premocyathus dentiformis, basal view

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