

Alloiteau, 1958, p. 100

Plesiocaryophyllia Alloiteau, 1958, p. 100 is a junior synonym (available and invalid), see Caryophyllia Lamarck, 1801, p. 370.

Type Species

Plesiocaryophyllia batalleri Alloiteau, 1958, p. 100, pl. 2, fig. 2; Original Designation Alloiteau, 1958, p. 100

Type Specimen: Holotype; ; Not Traced; Unknown

Type Locality: Campanian of northern Spain (Torallola).

The holotype of the type species is housed at MGSB (Barcelona) under 15697.



According to Alloiteau ( 1958, p. 101), the genus Plesiocaryophyllia is distinguished from other forms of the Caryophylliidae by the presence of both a pali crown before S2 and a fasciculate columella. Re-study of the holotype of the type species of Plesiocaryophyllia by Baron-Szabo in 2005 revealed that it has a columella that consists of trabecular segments and that its septal arrangement is in 8 systems (the latter feature was also described by Alloiteau). The type of columella seen in Plesiocaryophyllia is typical of the kind in Caryophyllia. In addition, the genus Caryophyllia is also characterized by the occurrence of pali before the 2nd group of septa when hexameral symmetry is lost, which is the case in Plesiocaryophyllia. Therefore, the synonmy with the genus Caryophyllia is suggested.


  • Southern Europe; Late Cretaceous

This page has been in preparation since 02-Jun-2007 12:36

This version was contributed by Rosemarie Baron-Szabo on 04-Sep-2010 18:09.

Page authors are: Rosemarie Baron-Szabo. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Rosemarie Baron-Szabo

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