

Felix, 1900

Montlivaltiidae Felix, 1900 is a junior synonym (available and invalid), see Thecosmiliidae Duncan, 1884, p. 80.


Radial elements are compact bicuneiform costosepta or biseptal sheets mostly free, never contratingent only anastomosed by their inner edge in the deeper part of the central area of the corallite. Distal edge with a rather regular dentition most typically made of trifid or pyramidal teeth, diamond shaped in section. The inner edge of larger septa are rhopaloid. The lateral faces are ornamented by vertical to steeply inclined carinae disposed in water jet, most typically opposed on both sides of the septum. These carinae may be well visible in the distal part and their relief is often progressively smoothed downward in such a way that we can observe smooth septa and intermediate situations with regularly aligned granules along the trabecules. Distance between centers of trabeculae range between 150 and 1300 micrometers. Branching trabeculae produce two or more lateral axes that are projected in a plan including the trabecular axis and perpendicular to the septal plan. Fibers steeply inclined on the trabecular axis. Radial symmetry is dominant but often difficult to decipher in terms of hexameral arrangement especially in colonial genera where the dominant intracalicular mode of increase disturbs the initial arrangement. The bilaterality is marked by the curvature of septa and in some cases by the elongation of the columellar space. No synapticulae, No fultures, but abundant endotheca.


This page has been in preparation since 02-Oct-2009 17:15

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 27-May-2017 10:06.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

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